Selling or Buying an apartment in Aquamarina or other places?
Phone Number : +34 697 367 099 (this is NOT the number for the reception in Aquamarina. The reception number is +34 928735200)
Email :
You can find us through the reception at Aquamar, beside the supermarket and La Aquarela Restaurant.
Office hours (weekdays) : 09:00 - 14:00
If you would like to call the reception in Aquamarina, please use this number: +34 928 735 200
If you are looking for apartments to rent short term, please visit
Aquamarina Real Estate, founded in 1973, offering the clients information regarding real estate and juridical assistance. This was the first real estate office in the Arguineguin / Patalavaca area.
Aquamarina Real Estate offers high quality service and great beachfront apartments in Aquamar, MonteMarina and other exclusive resorts in Gran Canaria.
Thor Hellenes is the owner and manager of the sales office, and has experience from several different areas like sales, construction, interior design and sports/golf. He is also a certified craftsman in decorating. Thor lives in Gran Canaria, and has a very good knowledge of the area. He is also in charge of the Aquamarina Golf Society.
Our lawyer, Beatriz del Moral, takes care of all legal issues, money transfers and settlements. She is a very respected lawyer in Gran Canaria, and speaks 6 different languages including Norwegian. Her reputation and expertise is a security factor for both seller and buyer.
We know the area, and especially the Norwegian market. Let us know if you are interested in a new apartment, and you can be ensured that we can find something within your needs.